Enterprise Legal Name: GmbH
Street: Berner Str. 21 B
City: D-12205 Berlin, Germany
phone: +49 30 84 70 92 14
mobile: +49 170 825 1087
CEO/CTO: Dipl.Ing. Dipl.Inf. Jan B. deMeer
Legal Registration: HRB 11073 B - Register Berlin-Charlottenburg
VAT Identification Number: (29/047/30453) DE258546261
- we will achieve personal agreement when customer PII Data become necessary to be computed for any services provided by GmbH; otherwise the services will not be provided;
- in the former case, customers' agreement comprise all PII Data internally processed during acquisition, computing and storing of data;
- Management and Computing of PII Data is internally logged under the auspicious of the CEO/CTO Management who in turn take care of the processes comprising recent state of technology fulfilling the constraints of Privacy-by-Design and Privacy-by-Default; these controls are regularly performed;
- we act internally of collecting or storing PII Data only accordingly with respect to the principle of 'need-to-know';
- thus It is guaranteed that all PII Data being internally processed most-probably there will be no loss, no unauthorized processing; further internal computing of PIIs do not violate human dignity or, impact the freedom of action of any customer;
- since we do not use or offer any Cloud Computing Services involving third parties, i.e. cloud provider; this page does not contain a letter of intention on orders of cloud computing services;
This website is owned by Berlin GmbH and thus checked and updated by Berlin GmbH on a regular basis with due diligence.
Please notice that we are present internationally at the .eu, .org domains and nationally at the .de domain. does not assume any liability or guarantee for the timeliness, accuracy and completeness of the cotent provided, including content from websites that may be accessed through hyperlinks via the website. reserves all rights to change or amend all content provided on this website at any time and without prior notice.
Contents and structure of the Berlin GmbH web sites are copyright protected. Reproduction of information or content, in particular the use of text (wheather in full or in part), pictures or graphics, requires the prior approval of enterprise.
In accordance to German Law, i.e. as decided - at 12. Mai 1998, Reg. No. "312 O 85/98 - Haftung für Links"(liability for links) - by "Landgericht (LG) Hamburg" (County Court Hamburg) explicitely views dispassionately any content which is conected to this site (page) by hyperlinks. does not acquire any content to his own being connected by hyperlinks!
Notice smartspace is a trademark, comprising the international application class 42 and registered by German DPMA Munich, with the registration number 306 57 410!
Missuse will be revenged!
Bitte beachten Sie, daß smartspace ein Markenzeichen der internationalen Anwendungsklasse 42, eingetragen beim DPMA unter der Registrations-Nummer 306 57 410, ist. Mißbräuchliche Nutzung wird verfolgt!