Die "ACM/GI RG BB Jahrestagung Schloß Steinhöfel, 14.-15. Mai 2014"
- Emergig technologies of IT Law & Regulation Compliance,
- Software Technology, Critical Infrastructures,
- EU Horizon2020 Cyber Security & Defense Evaluation and Testing
- Inclusion Policies of SMEs,
- Information Security Indicators (ISI) &
- Measurements (SIEM) Standardization etc.
- The Chateau Steinhöfel-Seminar
- is a Partner of the so-called 'Wissenschaftsjahr 2014',
- that has been given the motto: 'Die Digitale Gesellschaft'
- and has dealt with a rich programme on Cyber Defense:
- Please provide your personal feed-back from the joint Club R2GS EU Chapters GI/ACM Annual Conference @ Chateau Steinhoefel by Answering the linked Questionnaire! You will help us a lot!
- The R2GS Digital Society comprises EU Institutions and Organizations of:
- European Commission Directorate General for Informatics (DIGIT);
- Forum International de la Cybersecurite' (FIC/en);
- EU Standardization Organization ETSI ISG ISI;
- Standardization Liaison between ISO/IEC SC27/WG4 to ETSI ISG ISI;
- Bundesamt für Sicherheit - Allianz für Cyber-Sicherheit;
- Air France / KLM;
- Compagnie Europe'enne d'Intelligence Strate'gic - CEIS France;
- BNP Paribas Group Luxembourg;
- Air France KLM;
- Alcatel-Lucent;
- Qualys France, Deutschland
- etc.